Frequently Asked Questions

Our beef is all from Australia. Our animals are born and raised on natural pastures and prepared for market at our grain feeding facility in the rich farming country of Queensland’s Darling Downs. All processing occurs in our own plant in the Lockyer Valley an hour from Brisbane.

Our animals are all born and raised on natural pastures. They exclusively eat grass until they are prepared for market with a careful grain feeding program to manage their growth and consistency of the beef quality.

All of our animals are born and raised on pasture – which is grass. Our grass finished animals remain entirely in that environment until they go to market. Our other animals enter a controlled grain feeding program for at least 100 days to manage their growth. They receive carefully prepared diets that are 60-70% wholesome Australian grain and the remainder is mostly hay and silage (from green foliage crops).

Grain finished beef has a more “buttery” flavour and higher marbling, which increases tenderness. Grass fed beef has a distinct flavour closely related to the pasture it was raised on.

Our controlled grain feeding programs vary depending on the cattle variety. Cattle are in our feeding program for at least 100 days.

Our animals are all born and raised on natural pastures. They exclusively eat grass until they are prepared for market with a careful feeding program to manage their growth. Our grass-finished beef comes from animals raised entirely on pasture.

Cattle are carefully fed a mix of steam-flaked Barley and wheat. Other ingredients include Mineral supplement, Vegetable oil, Cottonseed and a hay and silage mix.

Our specialist Veterinarian/Nutritionist manages the care and nutrition of our animals.

Animal welfare is the highest priority. Therapeutic antibiotics are administered when a veterinarian deems it essential for the well-being of an animal and prescribes this medication as part of the proper care.

We have extensive certifications across Food Safety and Government accreditation, Market Access & Client certifications, and Systems and Methods.

All meat and many plants naturally contain hormones. The natural hormones in cattle can be carefully supplemented to improve their growth rate, and these supplements are called HGPs. The same hormones often occur in other common foods; the hormone level is naturally much higher in cabbage and eggs.*

*Rationale for the safety of implants, R.L Preston, 1997

All cuts have differing amounts of lean meat and fat. This determines how they should be cooked to achieve the desired result based on your preference.

A good guide can be found at

There are two essential steps every time:

  1. Bring the meat to room temperature before cooking by removing from refrigeration at least 20 minutes prior
  2. Allow the meat to rest for at least half of the cooking time after removing it from the heat

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